The current media is lazy.
Wh-at! Get out of town. I am shocked, just shocked.
No really, I can say that from experience because I am lazy at times too so I recognize their tricks. They just don’t want to do the hard work of looking for facts among the fiction. I know this is a subject chronicled many times here. So I think we all agree that information we receive from the MSM is frequently inaccurate and more often downright misleading. I use as an example the first time I realized the news was not infallible. When I was a mere child I never watched the news because it didn’t ever talk about my town (I live in a time zone that is never mentioned in polite company and is only rumored to exist - the Mountain Time Zone). Anyway, one winter we were enjoying our usual 50 degree sunny day and I happened to walk by the TV. The national news was on and the anchorman was very seriously talking about the horrible blizzard that was going on in Denver. Denver? Wow, they are actually talking about us, I thought.